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How to apply

Be sure to apply for OSAP and submit any required documentation before the posted deadlines.
  • Step 1: Apply for OSAP and submit any supporting documentation

    Create a profile on the OSAP website and follow the steps to complete a part-time OSAP application. Part-time OSAP must be applied for each semester.

    You may be required to submit additional documentation when applying for OSAP. These may include signature and declaration forms, proof of income, financial explanations, and attestations. You can upload all required documents directly to your OSAP application. If you experience issues uploading any of your documentation, contact the Student Awards and Financial Aid (SAFA) office for assistance.

    When uploading documents, please keep all submission deadlines in mind.

  • Step 2: Submit the Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement
    The part-time Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (PT-MSFAA) is a lifetime student loan agreement, which only needs to be completed once for part-time studies. The National Student Loan Service Centre (NSLSC) will send you an email when it's time for you to register for your online account and complete your MSFAA online.
  • Step 3: Check your OSAP account for updates

    Updates about your application will be posted online on your OSAP account. Check your OSAP account regularly and opt-in for email notifications so you know as soon as updates occur.

    From the time you submit your application and the time we receive all your required documents, it usually takes about 3 to 6 weeks to hear back. Choose the Check online option on your OSAP profile to receive the email notification anytime the status of your application changes.

    If you requested paper notifications from OSAP, it could take a few weeks for notifications to reach you—online is faster. To change your preference for OSAP notifications, log in and update your profile information by selecting Email and correspondence options on the left navigation bar.

If you have any questions about your OSAP funding, contact the SAFA office.