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Checklist for online interviews

Congratulations, you've received an interview! Now what? 

Now is the time to prepare yourself for your interview to ensure you leave a great first impression on your potential future employer. Below are a few tips and tricks to help you have a successful interview.

Download the checklist to ensure you’re completely prepared to ace your interview!


  • Familiarize yourself with the department with which you are interviewing. Review their website to get an idea of the services they provide and the work they do.
  • Review the job description carefully to see what the individual employer is seeking.
  • Make a list of the skills the employer is looking for.
    • Consider your skill set and determine what makes you the ideal candidate.
  • Practice with a mock interview.
  • Test the platform where the interview will take place to ensure all technology is working and that you are comfortable using the platform.

Create a comfortable space

  • Choose a quiet place to complete the interview.
    • Move away from any noise and distractions, and ensure that your location has adequate lighting.
  • Use a wired connection or move as closely as possible to the router to ensure a strong Wi-Fi connection.
  • Plug your laptop in to ensure that it is fully charged.
  • Keep your notes, resume, a glass of water, a pen and paper close by.
  • Turn off your cell phone ringer and close any computer programs not needed for the interview.
  • Log on to the interview a few minutes early.
  • Forgo virtual backgrounds as they may be a source of distraction.
  • Sit up straight and speak clearly with a positive tone.
  • Use engaged body language while you actively listen and speak.
  • At the end, state your interest in the position and ask about the next steps. Remember to thank the interviewer for their time.
  • Send a thank-you email to the interviewer(s) within 24 hours. This is your chance to show how interested you are and to prove, once again, that you are the right candidate for the job