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Mandatory training /Onboarding

As part of health and safety orientation, new employees must complete the required health and safety training modules within the first two weeks of employment.

How do I know what modules I have completed? 

You can view the certifications you have completed on your Training Record. Please use your network ID and password to log in. All new and returning student employees are encouraged to log in to review their Training Record

To view your training record for the following modules, please check the "Grades" section on Canvas.

  • AODA Modules

Please note: HR has to manually update AODA records in Canvas as “complete”. As a result, your record may not show as complete for approximately one week upon finishing the training. 

Mandatory training / Onboarding

  • AODA Customer Service Standard Training

    A.O.D.A. Customer Service Standard Training: Learn about and understand the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) and standards for customer service.

    All university works/summer university works students must complete all A.O.D.A. modules that pertain to their job position. 

    General Requirements: This module covers the General Requirements for accessibility policies, accessibility plans, training for employees and others, procurement processes, and self-service kiosks.

    Customer Service: Learn about and understand the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and standards for customer service.

    Employment Standards: The Employment Standard addresses the processes and procedures organizations follow in recruiting and accommodating their employees. The standard will help people with disabilities participate in our labour force and economy and will help employers find untapped talent.

    Information & Communications Standard: The Information and Communications Standard, as covered in this module, outlines how organizations will be required to create, provide and receive information and communications in ways that are accessible to people with disabilities.

    Working Together: The Code and the AODA: Learn about your rights and responsibilities under the Code and the AODA and how they affect you at work, in services and in housing.

    Design of Public Spaces (must be completed by employees of the Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability and those that have the authority or the approval to build on or make planned significant alterations to the University's public spaces): The Design of Public Spaces Standard sets requirements for specific features of our physical environment that will make it easier for people with disabilities to move through, use, and enjoy what our communities have to offer.

    Transportation (must be completed by those who provide transportation to individuals eligible to use University Transportation services): The Transportation Standard addresses ways to prevent and remove barriers to public transportation so that everyone can more easily travel in Ontario.

    Please note: HR has to manually update AODA records in Canvas as “complete”. As a result, your record may not show as complete for approximately one week upon finishing the training.


  • Health and Safety Awareness Training
    Health and Safety Awareness Training: Provides information on sexual violence policies and procedures, how to report an incident, and supports available on and off campus.
  • Health and Safety Checklist

    Health and Safety Checklist.

    Please note: You should keep a copy of the initialed document and send a completed copy to the Health & Safety Officer at

  • Preventing Sexual Violence - Building a Respectful Campus Together

    Preventing Sexual Violence - Building a Respectful Campus Together:  Provides information and instruction on how to create a campus environment free from gender-based violence and harassment. 

  • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Training
    Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Training: This online module has been developed to meet the requirements set out in the WHMIS regulation and the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act.
  • Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention training
    Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention training: Provides information and instruction on workplace violence and harassment policies and programs.