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Working from home

Working remotely comes with a unique set of challenges that can impact your overall well-being. It is important to create a healthy workspace that promotes comfort and productivity. While working from home, employees are encouraged to create a routine and implement daily practices that support their health and wellness.

Tips for Working from Home

  • Workspace
    • Designate a dedicated workspace and ensure that this space is safe and secure.
    • Ensure your workstation is set up correctly: that the keyboard is at the right height (wrists are in a neutral position), that the mouse is on the same level as the keyboard and that the table or desk you are using is sturdy enough to handle the weight of the equipment.
    • Create a comfortable and clutter-free workspace. Focus solely on work when you are in this space to create a mental and physical boundary between your personal and professional life.
  • Routine
    • Create a regular routine: humans are creatures of habit so a regular routine is important. Try to adhere to normal office routine as much as possible.
    • Maintain your morning routine: wake at the same time, and continue the routine that works for you. Repurpose commute time for self-care.
    • Establish a work-life balance and enforce boundaries. Set regular work hours and prioritize yourself outside of them, turn off your work brain and relax outside of those working hours.
    • Set a schedule and stick to it, as you would for working on campus. Make a 'to-do’ list and check your accomplishments at the end of the day. Remember important deadlines.
    • Try to get to your workspace 5 to 10 minutes early to go through emails and make a task list for the day, break the tasks into smaller tasks and focus on one at a time–this will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Practices
    • Avoid screen fatigue. Take regular breaks and wear glasses if needed.
    • Avoid isolation. Maintain regular contact with coworkers and conduct as many video meetings as possible.
    • Dress for success. Put on office appropriate clothes to help increase your productivity.
    • Maintain your physical health. Make sure to prioritize eating, sleeping and exercise habits. Focus on nutrition and take your breaks in full. Make time to exercise and go outside.
    • Do not multi-task. Avoid distractions and background noise.
    • Check your posture regularly. Don’t ignore any feelings of discomfort.
    • Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness techniques help reduce stress levels and improve attention spans. If you are new to mindfulness begin with deep breathing exercises or follow a guided session on YouTube.
    • Ask for help. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, ask for help. It is normal to have an emotional reaction to technical issues or feelings of isolation. Be aware of your feelings, do not suppress them and ask your manager for help.
    • Remember to reflect. It’s important to take a step back and reflect on your day.