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Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and aware of where we are and what we’re doing. When practicing mindfulness an individual’s focus is placed on their senses and feelings in the moment without the involvement of any interpretation or judgement. Mindfulness strengthens emotional intelligence and gives us the tools to manage our emotions internally and externally. The practice is linked to physical and psychological wellness in its ability to lower blood pressure, improve memory and reduce depression and anxiety. Practicing mindfulness as meditation involves breathing methods, guided imagery and other practices that relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.

Mindfulness in the workplace

The way we control and channel our emotions has a powerful impact on our personal and professional lives. Negative emotions can cause stress, anxiety and divert our energy and focus away from productivity. Practicing mindfulness in the workplace provides us with the ability to recognize negative emotions and handle them in a healthy manner. Mindfulness helps create a healthy workplace and promotes well-being, relationships and creativity.

How to practice mindfulness at work

  • Be present
    Be conscious of what’s going on around you—and within you—while being aware of your mental and emotional states. Focus on your task at hand and actively avoid distractions by bringing your attention back to that task.
  • Do short mindful exercises

    The more you practice mindfulness the easier it will be for your brain to find its way to a mindful state and optimize brain function. Mindful exercises do not have to be long—a minute of conscious reflection and connection to your senses is enough.

    Visit the Campus Recreations website for Mindfulness and Meditation Practices.

  • Do single tasks
    Multi-tasking is ineffective and puts excessive pressure on your brain often losing data in the process.
  • Use mindful reminders
    Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to practice mindfulness during the workday or decide to take a mindful breath every time you receive an email or notification.
  • Slow down
    Slow down and be conscious while working to become more efficient, productive, happy, resilient and healthy at work.
  • Change your beliefs around stress
    Your beliefs around stress affect how it impacts your health and well-being. Taking a second to be mindful when you feel yourself becoming stressed allows you to respond creatively rather than negatively.
  • Practice gratitude
    Remind yourself of the things you have done well at work today, the way your job contributes positively to your life and the co-workers who you like working with. Practicing gratitude makes you feel better and has a positive impact on your creativity, health, work relationships and productivity.
  • Accept what you cannot change and adopt a growth mindset
    To be mindful means to be exactly as you are in the moment, not judging your innate capabilities and being open to change. When faced with disappointments or struggles at work talk to the necessary people, learn from your mistakes and move on. Believe that you can improve and grow from each experience at work.