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Professional development

Students within the University Works program are encouraged to take part in additional workshops throughout their employment. These workshops are designed to improve confidence, hone your ability to communicate with professional networks, and overall prepare you for your career. Workshops aim to educate students in areas of wellness, career development, equity, communication and leadership. 

Student Life workshops

Student Life workshops aim to educate students in the areas of wellness, career, equity, communication and leadership.

Learn more - Student Life workshops

Upcoming workshops may include:

  • RISE: Let’s Talk Equity!
  • Stride: Goal-Setting - How to get What You Want
  • Healthy Living in the Workplace
  • Communicate Great
  • From Contact ‘Til Now
  • Star Power
  • Career Counselling
  • Stride: Procrastination Nation 
  • Back to What’s Important
  • Content Creation and Building Your Brand
  • Building the Road to Reconciliation
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Careers - Resumés and Cover Letters
  • How to Thrive as a Student Leader

More information and dates will be available soon.

Please visit the Equity and Inclusion website to learn more about the resources and workshops available to students.

Career Centre workshops

Career Centre workshops are designed to help students feel more confident and prepared to take on their careers.

Learn more - Career Centre workshops

Upcoming workshops include:

  • Leadership and Careers - Tuesday, July 25 
  • Presenting with Confidence - Thursday, July 27  

Additional workshops may include:

  • Resume and cover letters 
  • LinkedIn 
  • Interviews
  • Networking 

Please visit the Career Readiness website to register and learn more about the resources and workshops available to students. 

Campus Connected

Campus Connected is a workshop focused on caring, kindness and listening with empathy and without judgement.

Learn more - Campus Connected

Lack of social connection is a common theme that contributes to challenges experienced by university students. Students in need of connection feel profound loneliness, isolation, shame and fear of being judged negatively. Similarly, the lack of connection also contributes to staff and faculty’s compromised well-being.

Please register today by following four easy steps:

  1. Go to the Student Life Portal.
  2. Click on the Upcoming Events tab on the top of the navigation panel.
  3. Scroll through the calendar and click on the Student Engagement and Equity - Campus Connected event for the date and time you want to attend.
  4. Click Register for this event.

Learn more about Campus Connected.

Knowledge Café

The Knowledge Café is a forum to allow us to gather, learn from each other, and discuss topics relevant to all of us. Student Employees are welcomed to participate in Ontario Tech's Knowledge Cafés.

Learn more - Knowledge Café

E-Learning resources

Students are encouraged to explore e-Learning resources available to help you meet your professional career goals.These webinars are on-demand and available for all students.

Learn more - E-Learning resources